About Me

 I’ve always been fascinated by puzzles. As a child, I loved anything involving lateral thinking, word games, general knowledge or memory recall. Rebuses and code-breaking. Anagrams and word searches. Card games and quizzes. I wasn’t always the champion, but I loved the challenge. 

With chickens in Cumbria, for BBC Countryfile

After graduating from Oxford University, I worked in television, making and presenting educational programmes for children such as Maths 4 Real, as well as leading prime-time shows including Tomorrow’s World and Countryfile for the BBC (above). 

As a parent of two school-aged children, I see the pressures young people are under today to perform and achieve results. School is far more demanding now than it used to be and learning can feel like an intense marathon. But it doesn't all have to be hard work. When my children were in junior school, I struggled to find fun puzzle books pitched at 8-12 year olds that were full of age appropriate challenges ... and so I decided to create my own.

Revision Fun for Clever KidsMaths Fun for Cool Kids and Word Fun for Whizz Kids are intended to be used as a secret weapon! Slot them in among all the other books and files and have them ready for the days when your child has lost the desire to do another comprehension or maths paper. Sometimes a book of word searches or mazes doesn't seem interesting enough for a child having a break from serious school work. When you are searching for constructive downtime, away from the games console or the smart phone, these books are just the ticket for taking the pressure off but keeping the brain switched on.